Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School

Year 2


Welcome to Maple and Sycamore Class

PE Days

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday

Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days


Homework is set on a Friday and due back in on a Wednesday

Remember to have a go on Spelling Shed each week


Frog and the stranger 

How to make friends with a ghost

The Puffin book of fantastic poems

Last stop on market street

Dragon Post


Place value

Addition and subtraction



Animal including humans


The World


Local History: Wrest Park


Pulse, rhythm and pitch

Playing in an orchestra


 Drawing: Tell a story

Craft and Design: Map it out


E-safety, coding, using Powerpoint, presenting and interpreting data and simulations


Money, change and growth, being unique, secrets and surprises



Team buildings


Ball Skills


How do we show we care for the others? Why does it matter?

How and why do we celebrate significant times? What makes some celebrations sacred to believers?

Lots of parents have been enquiring about the Purple Mash logins which have been sent home. We often use Purple Mash in our computing lessons and so these logins have been provided if your child would like to have a try at any of the activities. This is just for fun and there is no expectation for any of the activities to be completed.

However, if your child would like to have a go then here is a list of suggested activities:

  • Change your avatar – click on the picture next to your name and then edit avatar.
  • 2paintapicture – have a go at experimenting with the different artistic styles and drawing tools.
  • Mashcams – have fun transforming yourself into a famous person
  • Maths games – Bond Bubbles (try Dino World)
  • PSHE – explore some of the values activities like What makes a good friend?
  • Try some of the activities in the animal section.
  • Publish a story on 2create a story
  • Practice your typing skills using 2type.
  • Make some music using 2sequence