Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School

Silsoe Safeguarding Team


Lead Designated Persons:

At Silsoe VC Lower School, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Sonia Shires (Senior Leader/SEMH ARP Lead).

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Sarah Boyle (Headteacher).

It is their responsibility to ensure that all concerns are recorded accurately and referred to the appropriate agency quickly to ensure that necessary actions are taken to promote children’s welfare. It is also their responsibility to ensure that all staff and volunteers are trained to an appropriate level and are confident in sharing concerns they have with the Lead Designated Person or Deputy.  

Each term the DSL meets with the Safeguarding Governor to ensure that they are kept up to date with the developments in Safeguarding at the school.  At no point during these meetings are individual cases discussed.

Our Child Protection Governor is  Mrs Christine Marshall

Our school  SENCO is Miss Christina Bishopp / SENCO for the SEMH ARP is Mrs. Sonia Shires