Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School

Pupil Roles & Responsibilities


School Council

At Silsoe Lower School, the School Council plays a vital role in representing the voices and perspectives of our young pupils. Comprised of elected representatives from each class, the council serves as a bridge between pupils and staff, driving positive change within our school community. Through regular meetings, members discuss ideas, concerns, and initiatives, working collaboratively to address issues, organise events, and implement improvements. The School Council embodies the values of democracy, responsibility, and leadership, empowering pupils to actively contribute to improving our school environment and ensuring that every voice is heard and value.

ECO Council


Save water and waste.

Insects and wildlife. Save them all!

Litter.  Pick it up!

Sunlight.  Use instead of electric lights.

Only use what you need.

Everyone can help the Earth!


At Silsoe Lower School we are committed to taking care of our school, the local area and being aware of the impact we can have on the environment.  We are all involved in making a difference, children, staff, parents and governors.

As part of Eco-Schools, the Eco-Council at Silsoe Lower School are working with everyone at school to gain a Green Flag award.  We have completed an Environmental Review and written an Action Plan, covering some of the areas we wish to work on this year, including Water, Waste, Litter and Biodiversity/School Grounds. 

Together with the support from the Eco-Governor, Silsoe Lower has secured a grant to plant trees and hedges in the Forest School Area.  We will also be planting wild flowers to encourage insects. 

As a school, we will be undertaking a waste audit, to help everyone find ways to minimise waste.

We have purchased new litter pickers to help keep the school grounds tidy and the children are very enthusiastic to do this.

The children have written an Eco-Code, displayed throughout the school.

Play Leaders

 Being a Play Leader is a big responsibility which only Year 4 children get to take on. Before becoming a play leader, 10 carefully chosen children attend a training session at Arnold Middle School organised by the Redborne Sports Partnership.  

Each week three Play Leaders choose games to play with the children every lunchtime.  Each leader has their own booklet with criteria they have to meet, e.g. run a club, write a sports festival report or run a whole school event.  If 5 or more of the criteria are achieved a gold medal is presented, to the Play Leader, at the end of the school year.  Play Leaders who have not met this criteria can still achieve a silver or bronze award.  Mrs Godin oversees the Play Leaders and encourages the pupils to work towards their goals.

Play Leaders work really hard, holding regular meetings and generating new ideas to introduce to the school.  All of our pupils really enjoy engaging with the Play Leaders and look forward to break times.  

We believe that being a young leader helps develop the children, acquiring key skills that they can take on to Middle and Upper schools.

​Keep checking our page to see how we are getting on with achieving our certificates. ​

School Buddies

School Buddies are appointed children from Year 4 that help out at every break time.  All year 4 children are given the opportunity to become a Buddy and we have many willing volunteers.  Twelve children are selected each term, we partner them up and provide the necessary training for this role.

​Their duties include taking the younger children back to their classroom after break, putting away any play equipment, sorting out minor friendship issues and stepping in if anyone needs a friend.  We have a rota in place to ensure that everyone gets to complete the full range of duties.