Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School


(SEMH Additional Resource Provision)

Conifer Class

Conifer Class is home to our SEMH ARP (ARP - Additional Resource Provision) which opened in 2006. We are an 8 place provision for children with an EHCP where SEMH (Social, Emotional, Mental Health) is the prime need. Our nurturing classroom provides education for children between Year 1 to Year 4. All admissions are decided by the Local Authority. 

Conifer Class is a safe space in which children can develop their ability to self-regulate whilst building positive relationships with others. Personalised learning caters for each child's individual needs and a higher staff to pupil ratio ensures they are supported every step of the way. 

The ARP is designed to accommodate children who haven't been able to fully access a mainstream setting due to their SEMH needs and/or associated needs but have the potential to do so with the support of a secure base and specialised provision. Our primary aim is to work with children and staff in order to provide the elevated level of support needed, whilst working towards integrating children back into mainstream education so that they can move onto their next setting confidently and independently. 

Our Classroom space

The classroom is set up to allow the children a balance between having their own space as well as the opportunity to socialise with their peers. Children have access to their own workstation and two break out rooms. One of these is a dedicated quiet space/room where they can withdraw to when feeling overwhelmed or when they need a quieter space. Children are supported to use this space to regulate and can make use of sensory/calming tools if needed.  We have a fenced outdoor space that the children can access at all times. 


As the provision is funded by the Local Authority, there is an admissions process through the SEND Team at Central Bedfordshire Council. We welcome children from anywhere across the County and beyond.
Central Bedfordshire Council commissions the 8 places in the provision through an application, consultation and agreement process. This process usually starts with the child's current school and a change of placement can be requested through the Annual Review or Emergency/Interim review. It remains the responsibility of the Local Authority to place children within our provision.


The provision is staffed by a teacher and specialist teaching assistants, who are highly experienced in the needs of children with SEMH and SEND.

The staff in Conifer Class are;

  • Mrs. Shires - ARP Lead
  • Miss. Owen - SEND Teaching Assistant
  • Miss. Cole - SEND Teaching Assistant
  • Miss. Gwilt - HLTA
  • Mr. Pusey - SEND Teaching Assistant

Inclusion / Mainstream

Our SEMH ARP is based in one of our classrooms within the main school and is just as much a part of the school as any other class. We are highly inclusive and offer integration into the mainstream environment and into lessons / classes as appropriate. One of the overarching aims of the our ARP is to enable children to access mainstream school in a positive and successful way. We have aspirational aims for access to mainstream of 50% or more. If your child does join a mainstream class for any lessons, you can find their curriculum and learning topics on their webpage. 


Within the ARP, the children follow the national curriculum. Their learning is personalised in order to address gaps in understanding and knowledge whilst maintaining a balance with developing relationships, social skills and emotional literacy. 

Our broad and balanced curriculum is pitched at a level that enables all children to succeed. In order to address gaps in knowledge, understanding or experience (due to missed education in the past and/or children's SEMH difficulties presenting a barrier to learning) the children may cover a previous year group's curriculum in certain subject areas. Much of our learning time is also given to emotional literacy and developing the children's social skills. 
English and Maths are always delivered at the child's current level of understanding regardless of what year group he or she is in.

Each child has a Home/School Communication Book which staff will write in each day to inform parents about their child's day at school. We encourage parents to also write in this book if there is anything you feel we need to know. We also communicate via telephone and direct email with the Lead Teacher or via the school office.  


Home school agreement
The SEMH ARP has it's own Home/School Agreement to reflect the additional expectations of attending a specialist provision.  We ask parents to sign this document prior to their child starting in the ARP.

Please see below for this document.

Children with a place in the SEMH ARP are entitled to transport if they live out of the catchment area of the school. This can be arranged prior to transition by completing the online transport request form, or at any time during the school year (speak to Mrs. Shires). As this process can take a long time, it is advisable to complete the transport request form as soon as possible. Parents can of course, transport their child themselves and claim the mileage cost back from the Local Authority each month. To do this, parents still need to complete the transport request form and state they would like to claim.  

The online transport request form can be found here:

School day
The school day for Conifer Class is slightly different to the rest of the school. The full time hours are 9.15am until 3pm. Children who transition into the ARP are usually on phased integration so that they build on a positive and strong foundation for success, so their hours will differ slightly to the above at the start. A phased transition/integration plan will be personalised and take a child's current ability to access and engage in education into consideration. This will be discussed with parents at one of the transition visits prior to the child starting in the ARP.


I am very proud of how our small, nurturing environment enables children to build trust in adults and form a positive view of school. Our caring staff team supports children to form friendships and engage in learning, meaning they make excellent progress socially, emotionally and academically. 
I hope you have found this information useful. Please read on for more specific information about the current term.

Mrs. Shires   

Autumn term 2024

If your child accesses mainstream lessons, please see that class' webpage for information.

 We will continue to focus on building relationships, developing social skills and fostering trust this term  We always want the children to feel happy coming to school and that it is somewhere they can have fun, make friends and be creative. The expert staff team will weave learning opportunities from each child's personalised curriculum throughout the day. 
In addition to Maths, phonics and English, we will also look forward to learning about:


Everyday Materials

Emotional regulation
Building positive relationships
Thinking about different emotions


Toys in history (toys from the past)

Design Technology

Pirate lunchboxes