Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School

Year 1


Welcome to Hawthorn and Willow Class

PE Days

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days



Homework is set on a Friday and due back in on a Wednesday

Homework should only take 20 minutes



We are going to be continuing to focus on the children's phonics knowledge to further develop their fluency in reading and writing using alternative sounds. We will be preparing for the Phonics Screening Check, practising using past papers.  We will be reading, Jasper’s Beanstalk‘ to support learning about ‘Labels, Lists and Captions’.  We will be looking at ‘Poetry’ and how poems can be structured, specifically ‘List Poetry’.  We will be focussing on ‘Narrative’ using traditional tales, such as, ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We will be learning about ‘Recipes’ including how to follow simple steps and write in chronological order.


In Maths, we will be focusing on three main areas, 'Place Value', 'Addition and Subtraction' and 'Shape' following the White Rose maths scheme. We will be developing the children's understanding of number, representations of number, addition and subtraction techniques and their recognition of 2D and 3D shapes.  



In Science, we are going to be learning about animals including humans. We will initially focus on humans and using their knowledge of their own bodies to help them to move on to ask questions about the bodies of animals. We will review the five senses that they learnt about in Acorn/Chestnut, learn the scientific names for body parts of humans and animals, learn about different animal diets and learn how to sort/classify animals with different criteria. 


In History, we are going to be learning about toys focusing on observable changes in toys over the last 100 years, finding information on toys from different sources and being able to make inferences based on their historical sources. The children really enjoy learning more about the history of teddy bears and looking at the toys that their parents/grandparents played with. 


In Geography, we are going to be learning about the geography of Silsoe. We initially focus on the local area to start to develop map understanding, ability to identify human and physical features and their use of aerial/birds-eye pictures. 


In RE, we are going to be reflecting on the big question "What do Christians believe God is like?". We will learn about the ways that Christians worship and how the bible influences the lives of modern Christians. We reflect on parables such as Jonah and the Whale and what this teaches us about God. We will also be learning about why Christmas is important to Christians and about the Christmas Story.


In PE lessons we will be developing the children's agility, balance and stamina through a range of multi-skill activities designed to develop the core skills that children need to be successful in all physical activities. For example, hand-eye co-ordination and running. 


In Art, we are going to be learning about how by using different lines, pictures are created.  In Design and Technology, we will be exploring books that have moving parts and even making our own moving parts to familiar books. 

Design and Technology

Our topic this term is ‘Moving Pictures – Mechanisms and Levers’. We will be learning, through traditional tales, to create our own moving pictures using a variety of tools and testing how successful they are.  Children will be encouraged to talk and describe about how their products were made, how they work and what, if anything, they could do to improve their moving pictures.


In PSHE we are going to be thinking about our impact on our community initially reflecting on the classroom and our friends. Then we will move onto learning about the rights and responsibilities of all people including children. We will talk about how they are all unique and how we can control and understand our emotions. Finally, we will be thinking about who the special people are and how they help us. Through all our PSHE lessons, we will be developing the children's reflective and communication skills to allow them to develop understanding of the world and their place in it. 


Ways you can help: 

  • Read with your child for 5 to 10 minutes every day
  • Ask the children questions about stories that you are reading to them. 
  • Tell the children the time and show them an analogue clock to help them become familiar with the time.
  • Ask children to help you to count out money
  • Help your children to count backwards and forwards to 100.