Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School

Silsoe VC Lower School welcome pupils who are four years old, by 31st August, in the September after their fourth birthday.
The school will admit pupils up to its standard Published Admission Number (known as PAN).  The Published Admission Number for the school is 60.

If there are fewer applications than places available at the school all applicants will be admitted. If there are more applications than places available, the criteria below will be used to prioritise applications. The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria.
  • All ‘looked after’ children or children who were previously ‘looked after’
  • Children who appear to the Council to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted
  • Children of Staff
  • Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school
  • Children living in the catchment area
  • Children living outside the catchment area with siblings at the school
  • Any other children

To register your interest for our open evening please visit

For children starting school In Reception Year 2025

Parents can now make a Starting School 2025 application online at: or via a paper application.

For more information, please see link below:

Admission Arrangements
Full details on our current Admission Policy can be found on our Policies page or you can contact the school office who will be happy to provide you with a hard copy.

Applications for admissions to Silsoe Lower School are managed by the local authority.  Please contact Central Bedfordshire Admissions Department on 0300 300 8037 or visit their website below for further details.

Admissions to SEMH Provision
Admissions to this specialist unit do not fall under same protocol as this main stream school policy.  All enquiries should be referred to the SEND team at Central Bedfordshire Council.