Chestnut Avenue, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4GP

(01525) 860247

Silsoe C of E VC Lower School

Reception Classes

Welcome to Acorn and Chestnut Class

PE Days

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday 

Your child will need to come to school in their PE Kit on these days. School PE kit is: plain black jogging bottoms/leggings/shorts (no logo please), a white T-shirt or school PE top and plimsolls/trainers. The children may also wear their school jumper/cardigan on PE days in the colder weather. 

Reading Books

Your child will read to an adult in school most days. Please ensure that your child has their book in school each day. Please support your child with their reading and sounds at home by sharing your child’s book with them and making a note in their reading diary at least four times a week. 


Our Topics are:

  • Marvellous Me (1st half term)
  • Once Upon a Time (2nd half term)

For our topic on ‘Marvellous Me' we will be learning

  • About our family
  • About how to look after our body
  • About different feelings
  • To name and recognise a variety of pets
  • About different types of homes
  • About what makes us special

For our topic on 'Once Upon a Time' we will be learning:

  • About the Noah’s Ark Bible story
  • Why people celebrate Remembrance Day
  • About traditional stories such as The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks
  • About rhyme through the popular story ‘The Cat in the Hat’
  • The Christmas Story and why Christmas is an important time for Christians

The Children in reception might like to read:
Information books about bodies, pets, homes, friends and family. This will help with our 'Marvellous Me' topic work. They may also like to read shorter stories and rhymes about Remembrance Day and Christmas.

You might like to discuss with your children:

  • How you can care for and look after your family and friends
  • The names of different body parts
  • Why we need to keep healthy
  • Why people celebrate Remembrance Day and Christmas
  • Different traditional stories and stories from the Bible
  • The traditional Christmas story


To help with our Mathematics work it would be great if you could:

  • Play number games or sing number rhymes for the numbers from 1-10/20
  • Help your child to recognise and write the numbers from 0-10/20. You could make the numbers using playdough, write them or paint them
  • Look at different 2D shapes and discuss the shape names
  • Make repeating patterns using beads or toys and discuss the pattern
  • Look at coins and discuss the coin value. You could count out different totals using 1p coins
  • Look at a clock and tell the o'clock time

To help with our Literacy work it would be great if you could:

  • Share alphabet games or jigsaws for the individual letter sounds
  • Share your child's reading book at home and discuss the pictures and words
  • Practice writing the lower case letters correctly
  • Help your child to write their name and other simple three sound words

You might like to look at these websites to help your child with their learning:

Library Day:
Our library day is on a Tuesday. Please ensure that your child has their library book in school on this day each week.

Reading Books:
Your child will read to an adult in school most days. Please ensure that your child has their book in school each day. Please support your child with their reading and sounds at home by sharing your child’s book with them and making a note in their reading diary.

Evidence Me:
In our class we use the Evidence Me app to share the children’s learning and achievements. You can use this app to tell us about something special that your child has achieved at home. We really value your comments.Enter text...

Worries or Concerns:
If you have any worries, concerns or questions about your child’s progress please do not hesitate to contact us either at the beginning or end of the school day. Alternatively, you can telephone the school office to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Thank-you for your continued support. 

Mrs McCracken and Mrs Gates